
LinkedIn Company Pages and Getting to the Key Decision Makers
SallyJoLaMont |
LinkedIn Company pages are a very valuable resource to not just finding out who the key decision makers are, but identifying who you know that can make a warm introduction. Simple but effect, LinkedIn company search can reduce your sales cycle and help you close more business! Here is how: Choose the company search from […]
Using LinkedIn throughout the entire sales process
Brynne Tillman |
  LinkedIn is the Best Sales Funnel – Use it throughout the Entire Sales Process noun: In business science a sales process describes an approach to selling a product or service. The sales process has been approached from the point of view of an engineering discipline. The process itself can be broken down into many steps, […]
LinkedIn Free vs. Paid – Which is Right for You?
Brynne Tillman |
I love LinkedIn premium, and ROI is huge for me, infact, I can’t imagine not having all the bells and whistles. I get hundreds of people asking me, if it is right for them…and I say one thing: “If you are working LinkedIn the right way, and you keep getting little pop ups that say […]
5 Ways to Make a Snow Day Productive with LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
It is another snow day1 I know you can’t wait until your back in the office, but how do we make this time productive? How about spending an hour or two on LinkedIn! Here are 5 things you can do today that will make it productive: Are you working from home today? I am sure […]
Happy Valentine’s Day LinkedIn Gifts for Your Network
Brynne Tillman |
Happy Valentine’s Day LinkedIn Gifts for Your Network Boy I love my LinkedIn network, and I would send you all flowers and candy if I could! But what I can do is share with you some tips on how to show your network that you love them as much as I love you! It is […], my new social media best friend!
Brynne Tillman | is a social media aggregator that is curated by readers that find and share content on thousands of topics. If you are looking for easy ways to find content to share with your network, just may be the answer! I love it because I can find content on topics that I care about that […]