In this episode…
The LinkedIn Whisperer Brynne Tillman and the LinkedIn Sherpa Bob Woods explored the three new additions to LinkedIn’s company search filters that make searching for connections simpler and more strategic.
Tune in as they walk you through the steps on how to use each new feature to your advantage. Learn how you can leverage these new filters to connect to your prospects when you reach out to message them.
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Things you will learn in this episode:
* The new features LinkedIn has added to its Company Search Filters make it easier than ever to find companies and industries where you already have first-degree connections. A big filter is “company size,” where you can target companies by number of employees. You used to only have access to this in Sales Navigator. — Bob Woods
* If you’re looking to build a list of companies that you want to prospect based on who you already know at those companies, then leveraging LinkedIn Companies search and the first degree filter is for you! — Brynne Tillman