Leverage LinkedIn to Start Sales Conversations on a Consistent Basis… without Being Salesy!

The proven digital sales strategy that thousands of entrepreneurs, coaching, consultants, and sales professionals are leveraging to open new opportunities and close more business.

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Here’s what professionals tell us…

  1. I have thousands of connections but no conversations
  2. When I ask for conversations from prospects, I get ghosted
  3. I share content, yet no one engages
  4. I have not received any referrals through LinkedIn
  5. Everyone says that I need to use LinkedIn, but I can’t figure out how to do it successfully

Sounds familiar?

LinkedIn Sales Accelerator
LinkedIn Sales Training
“If they would just take my call, my business would thrive!”
– Says everyone who needs more sales

Of course, the question is HOW?
How do you get them to take your call?
Or…better yet… Schedule a Call with YOU?

And therein lies the secret to succeeding on Linkedin…
Getting people so excited to speak with you that they will take your call or even call you.

Here’s what’s broken! Sales people…

  • Have profiles that are self-centered resumes
  • Connect and immediately pitch
  • Connect and never even attempt to start a conversation
  • Have no process and are simply performing random acts of social
  • Post and ghost, leaving their engagers high and dry
  • Share topics they want to talk about, NOT what their prospects want to consume
  • Cold call on LinkedIn, showing up as the spammer everyone deletes
  • Never leverage their existing connections for referrals

No worries, there is a path forward, one that will open up new sales opportunities on a consistent basis. 

In order to succeed on LinkedIn you need to:

  • Develop a Value-Centric Profile That Attracts Quality Prospects 
  • Find and Engage Your Ideal Buyers
  • Receive a Consistent Flow of Referrals
  • Schedule More Sales Conversations
  • Build Trust and Credibility in the Marketplace
  • Become the Go-to Subject Matter Expert
  • Opens Doors and Close Business

Successful Social Sellers:

  • Create a Subject Matter Expert Brand That Attracts Buyers
  • Learn Warm Market Prospecting Skills
  • Find and Engage with Your Targeted Buyers
  • Engage Referral Partners That Lead to Opportunities
  • Certificate for Your LinkedIn Profile

This is why we created the 12-Week Linkedin Sales Accelerator 

In this easy to follow, guided 12-week accelerator, you will master the essential building blocks needed to become a successful Linkedin social seller who easily schedules more qualified conversations consistently… and without feeling uncomfortable or  “salesy”. 

Just follow along with our bite-sized daily guided activities, and leverage the simple selling techniques prescribed.

During the 12-weeks, you will be guided through bite-sized daily videos and access to our 2x a week drop-in coaching clinics. You will master:

Linkedin Sales Accelerator
  1. Build a powerful value-centric profile that resonates with your buyers
  2. Social listening skills that help you understand and connect with your prospects
  3. A content and engagement strategy that attracts, teaches, and engages your stakeholders
  4. Engagement techniques that start conversations with your targeted connections
  5. A referral strategy to use with your clients and network, that is easy to implement and initiates conversations at a higher level of credibility
  6. How to implement readily-available templates needed to start conversations, in a pre-populated and customizable Chrome extension (so you never have to copy and paste again)
  7. All the tools you need to schedule meaningful conversations on a consistent basis

This program includes:

Our step-by-step guided video course broken up into easy to implement bite-sized lessons

Activities delivered to you daily via email in a self-paced workflow ensuring you stay on track to optimize your success

2x weekly drop-in coaching clinics for professional guidance and answers to your questions

An online 24/7 community
Unlimited free VIP access to Social Sales Link's Masterclasses
Networking opportunities with professionals – Develop referral partners that know exactly how to make referral partners that know exactly how to make quality introductions

“12-Week Linkedin Sales Accelerator ” Certificate of Completion

BONUS: Member Spotlight

A Social Sales Link Team Member will Live Stream Interview you to showcase your expertise to our community. The video will be available to you and published in the content library for all members to watch, in perpetuity.

Investment $997

Alumni Membership: After 12-weeks, continue the 2x weekly drop-in coaching clinics and full membership benefits for ONLY $97 a month (month to month commitment, cancel anytime)

12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator

With 9 sprints and 139 lessons in your wheelhouse you will attract more targeted buyers and schedule more sales conversations

Five days a week you will receive short videos accompanied by an easy-to-follow playbook for each action step. Take advantage of the 2x weekly drop-in coaching clinic.

Sprint One:
Getting Started

All sales success starts with the right mindset and philosophy; social selling isn’t any different. This approach will help you sell with authenticity, in service to your buyers, and with a high level of credibility.

Sprint Two:

Before you dive deep into social selling, we must ensure your foundation is solid. We cover the essentials including ensuring your settings and privacy are optimized, providing you with a tour of LinkedIn (including the hidden prospecting gems), and other need to know tips to get you started the right way.

Sprint Three:
Value-Centric Profile

All roads lead back to the profile, and it is essential that sales professionals convert their profile from a resume to a resource! Buyers need to recognize the value you bring immediately.
We will guide you through the daily videos and activities, the one-on-one coaching sessions, and the drop-in coaching clinics, and creating a profile that converts your visitors to connections, and your connections to conversations.

Sprint Four:
Social Listening

You can’t attract buyers until you really know what matters to them – and you won’t connect either until you make it all about them!
In sprint 4, we will teach you how to learn and understand your buyers, their needs, their industry, and even their customers, so you engage with all of their priorities…not just yours.

Sprint Five
Engage with Insights

Becoming a thought leader is about leading others to think differently. In this sprint you will learn how to easily curate, create, and engage on content to start conversations with your targeted audience.

Sprint Six:
Nurture Your Connections

If you are like most sales professionals you are connected to hundreds, if not thousands of people. You potentially might not even know who they are, or ever had a conversation with them.
In this sprint you will learn how to take an inventory of your connections, identify clients vs. prospects, and referral partners you may have been ignoring. Learn how to re-engage with your connections in meaningful ways that open up new doors and new business opportunities.

Sprint Seven:
Warm Market Prospecting

The best business is always generated from client referrals and networking partners, but asking them is never enough! Leveraging LinkedIn to identify who you want to meet from within your own network is the key to truly mastering LinkedIn for social selling. In this sprint you will learn how to get more referrals on a continuous basis, without being annoying or “salesy”.

Sprint Eight:
Sales Cadence

In this sprint we bring it all together providing you with the tools you need to develop a daily routine. We discuss the activities that need to be accomplished daily, weekly, and monthly, and recommended a workflow for your success.

Sprint Nine:
Mobile App

LinkedIn tells us that 57% of their traffic is from mobile app, so we thought a sprint on how to use mobile successfully for content and prospecting was a great way to round out this 12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator.


The Social Sales Link program is so simple to follow and easy to implement.

I started conversations with prospects almost immediately and had high-level prospects in much less time than I could have ever imagined. Simply by leveraging my own network I was able to get referrals and permission to name-drop into my targeted prospects.

In addition, Whenever I had a question the Social Sales Link Team was easy to access. The coaching was phenomenal and the Community and networking were an added bonus.

Ultimately, I look at the Social Sales Link community as my sales mastermind, and because the time is so productive, I try to make every single session.

If you are considering this program, all I can say is, do it. It was the best investment I made in my business, and I’m sure it will be for you too.

Steven Farber
Talent Retention Optimization ❘ Employee Distraction Mitigation ❘ Workforce Financial Wellness at LegalShield

“Social Sales Link is a game changer! During this pandemic, I closed more than $3 million in sales and doubled my commission by using the tips and techniques I learned from their class and group coaching.

Everything they teach truly makes sense, but most people don’t do it. One of the ways I establish myself as a helpful resource to my clients and prospects is by introducing them to Social Sales Link’s LinkedIn Library.

They think I’m amazing for giving them access to what Social Sales Link has compiled. It’s all about making connections that turn into authentic conversations and relationships. When you do that, you never have to pitch again!”

Michelle Vincent
VP of Staffing, Ahead Human Resources

“I have been working with Brynne for the last 3 weeks. The results have been amazing! I have had 3 first call appointments based off of Brynne’s strategies and they have been the easiest appointments I could imagine. These meetings were with Fortune 500 companies. I know I am just scratching the surface, as we have more time left in the program, but at this point, I can’t recommend Brynne and her strategies highly enough! Best money I have spent on LinkedIn!”

Doug Reisinger
Senior Account Executive | Infrastructure, Information Security, UCaaS at Enterprise Visions

Brynne is an exceptionally knowledgeable, kind, and generous purveyor of Linkedin marketing tips. Her workshops and coaching provide clear, immediately actionable steps to take. Her workshop was one of the very best I’ve ever attended- and I audit training for a living, so I’m very picky! Besides technical tips, Brynne shares her philosophy about how to exist effectively in Linkedin. I’m very impressed with her willingness to share what she knows and strongly recommend that you seek out her workshops or coaching services.

Deborah Laurel
Transformational Trainer

Social Sales Link is the real deal! In a digital age, outreach is so easy to accomplish but so difficult to be effective. Brynne, Bill, and Bob share their wisdom to navigate the challenges sales professionals face in today’s climate. Their training and coaching helped me get in front of new enterprise clients in record time. Thanks, Social Sales Link, and keep teaching people to give first, and use their authentic voice!

Matthew Joiner
Modernizing Restaurant Supply Chain | Enterprise Sales Director @ Arrowstream

Meet Your Master Guides

Meet “LinkedIn Whisperer”: Brynne Tillman


Hi, I’m Brynne!

I’m so happy you’re here. Its great to see you exploring LinkedIn for your sales efforts. I founded Social Sales Link over eight years ago with the goal of helping professionals leverage LinkedIn to start more sales conversations. Over these incredible years, my team and I have developed strategies and tactics that have successfully opened new opportunities and closed business for thousands of people. I have also authored numerous books on LinkedIn and am the co-host of Making Sales Social Podcast.

Here is how I got here:

I started my sales career in 1990, right out of college. As a bored inbound order-taker for a Fortune 1000 company, I began to ask my callers questions about their transactions and why they were purchasing specific products. I learned a lot about our clients’ needs and how they used our solutions. I began to offer more appropriate products for their specific needs, which in many cases had a huge impact on their businesses. By the time I was 24 I was training an entire call center on how to evolve from order takers to a sales solutions team.

I was soon promoted to the field when I fell in love with sales. I loved interacting with my prospects and clients and I got great joy from helping them succeed. What I didn’t love was the cold calling.

I recall sitting across from a client, staring at his overflowing Rolodex, thinking if I could get my hands on it for 20 minutes I could identify who he knew that I wanted to meet, ask for introductions and never have to make another cold call. But in 1992 it wasn’t politically correct to say “Mr. client, can I thumb through your address book”.

Three decades later, that is what we have with LinkedIn. The ability to search and filter our network’s connections, identify who they know that we want a conversation with, and leverage our relationships for introductions, referrals, and permission to name-drop.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg!

There is no better, more effective tool for your sales efforts than Linkedin, especially in today’s remote working environment. And, my team and I are excited to guide you to Master LinkedIn for Social Selling to grow your business.

On a personal note, I live in the Philadelphia suburbs, am married with 5 kids, and am a Bubbie to one amazing grandbaby who brings me incredible joy! I am also a rescue mom to our fabulous and crazy border collie/black lab pup!

I love playing tennis and acrylic pour painting to relax. And, I am a podcast addict… ask me some of my favorites, happy to share my list!

Meet “The LinkedIn Sherpa”: Bob Woods

Hi, I’m Bob!

Great to see you here and considering either using LinkedIn for your sales efforts, or taking your knowledge of using LinkedIn for sales to new heights! As someone who has been on LinkedIn since literally the beginning, I’ve seen (and have experienced) its power and I know you can utilize it as well. How do I know? Here’s my story:

I was the 74,899th person to join the LinkedIn platform in December 2003 (it launched in May of that year). There were virtual tumbleweeds blowing across my Web browser when I first joined. At that time, I had left journalism and was just starting in business. I just come from covering companies like AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy, and countless other social platforms. I had seen the power of social media with those companies, and immediately saw that there was a “there” there with LinkedIn. I hoped it would grow into something big.

LinkedIn was more than a bit underwhelming way back then. I liken it to “baseball-card collecting,” when people connected just because they knew each other (or more than likely, they didn’t). It did let me keep up with my business contacts, though – especially the ones I had met personally during networking events, trade shows, and so on.

Flash forward to 2007, when I worked at a tech start-up that developed a social and work platform for the commercial real estate industry. Way back then, I taught CRE pros how to use sites like LinkedIn to network and start business conversations. Little did I know back then that I’d be doing the same thing today!

linkedin training, linkedin sales training, sales navigator training
A few years ago, in a book I co-wrote with Brynne on LinkedIn and social selling, I predicted that LinkedIn would become the prime tool in a salesperson’s “utility belt” (to borrow from Batman). Today, it is indeed. And it’s an honor and pleasure to train and coach others on how to use LinkedIn for their own sales success.

No better, more effective tool for your sales efforts exists than LinkedIn, especially in today’s remote working environment. I’m excited to continue the work I started back in 2007 on the platform that I was one of the first to use in 2003. And the 12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator is the culmination of all that work, experience, and knowledge-gathering.

Personally, I live in Lexington, Kentucky among horses, bourbon, and truly great people. I am married and have two rescue dogs that are spoiled rotten, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I enjoy reading (lots of reading), watching sports, and enjoying life with my wife and dogs. I do not keep up with the Kardashians, either.

Meet Stan Robinson, Jr.

Stan Robinson, Jr.

Hi, I’m Stan!

Today’s sales professionals face an environment where buyers are more proactive and well informed than ever before. In addition, technology is evolving at unprecedented speeds. Keeping up is a constant challenge to distinguish between tools that deliver an ROI versus those that are simply the newest shiny object.

In a world characterized by increasing automation, proliferation of content, and information overload, it is more difficult than ever to stand out from the crowd.

Your most important competitive advantage is not your company, product, or service. It is YOU – who you are, what you know, and who knows you.

I guide those responsible for revenue and profitability in leveraging tools like LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, and AI to accomplish their business objectives. This includes improving their professional brand, developing new business relationships, filling your sales pipeline, and increasing productivity.

Here are five tips for using LinkedIn as a sales professional:

1. Your LinkedIn strategy should be driven by your business strategy. Your LinkedIn profile, who you connect with, and content you share and engage with must be supportive of your business objectives.

2. Use your LinkedIn profile to position yourself as a resource for your audience. It should not be structured to appear as if you’re looking for your next job opportunity.

3. Build your LinkedIn network intentionally in terms of who you invite to connect and whose invitations you accept. Who you select for your LinkedIn network will determine who sees the content you post and who may be able to introduce you to people of interest to you.

4. Post content that is relevant and helpful to your intended audience. This adds value to those who consume your content, increases your visibility, and demonstrates your thought leadership.

5. Experiment with tools such as ChatGPT to see if they can help you become more productive. AI is being integrated into our most commonly used tools from email to CRMs and the more comfortable you are using it, the more effective you will be professionally.

If you are exploring how to learn the skills and tools necessary to succeed in this new era of business, we should talk. Whether or not we decide to work together, I am confident our call will provide you with insights and actionable steps that can help you grow your business.


Is the 12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator for me?

If you are an entrepreneur, coach, or sales professional who is ready to leverage LinkedIn to start more conversations, you are in the right place. Our non-salesy approach is perfect for the professional whose business relies on being authentic, entering your buyers’ ecosystem at a high level of credibility, and developing trusted relationships.

*corporate packages and pricing available upon request (Just talk with Brynne)!

What happens once I enroll?

Our entire program is guided, taking the guesswork out of your journey.  Once you sign up for the 12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator and the drop-in group coaching, you will log into your learning platform. The first video you see will give you a complete tour highlighting where to find your daily videos, take action (activities), playbook, and other resources. Then, 5 days a week you will receive an email that takes you to that day’s videos and activities. You will also receive an email every 30 days to schedule your private coaching session with one of our Master Social Selling trainers. Plus, you will have access to the twice-weekly coaching sessions right from your dashboard.


How do I take advantage of the 2x weekly drop-in coaching clinic?

Once you sign up for the drop-in coaching clinics you will gain access to all of the sessions inside your learning dashboard. You can add them to your calendar, or login to join. All the sessions are recorded and available on-demand.

How long do I have access to the program?

You can access the videos for 12 months, take action activities and playbook, and access to the coaching clinics during the 12-weeks. Then continue full access to the coaching clinics for just $97 a month (month to month and can cancel anytime)

Is there a money back guarantee?

The Social Sales Link Team has built, what we believe is, the most comprehensive, up-to-date, easy-to-follow program in the industry today. We have had thousands of participants from individuals to Fortune 100 sales professionals leverage our tips, strategies, and processes, to start more conversations on a consistent basis. After completing the entire 12-Week LinkedIn Sales Accelerator and joining the 2x weekly drop-in coaching clinics, if you don’t schedule more sales conversations you can request a refund by emailing info@socialsaleslink.com.

Who can I talk to before I purchase?

Reach out to Brynne Tillman, at brynne@socialsaleslink.com, Bob Woods at bob@socialsaleslink.com, or Stan Robinson, Jr. at stan@socialsaleslink.com or call us at +1 833 546 5775.

How Can I Cancel My Membership?

While we hate to see you go, we hope it is because you have truly Mastered LinkedIn for social selling and are ready to fly on your own. Either way, simply visit https://socialsaleslink.com/goodbye. By the way, you are always welcome back!