Making Sales Social Live Episode # 26 – Five Tactics to Engage Your Connections on LinkedIn

The Social Sales Link Team |

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In this episode…

The Social Sales Link team shares five unique tactics you can use to engage your LinkedIn connections to earn that all-important right to start a conversation.

Tune in and start effectively engaging with your most-valuable audience on LinkedIn!

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Things you will learn in this episode:

* Too often we share content that we either find interesting or want our prospects to know about but rarely does that attract your targeted audience. It is, therefore, imperative that we start conversations around topics our buyers care about, not what we want them to consume. — Brynne Tillman

* You probably have people in your pipeline who have specific clients that they are looking for. Why not give them insight into what their prospects are looking for? You’ll not only help them with their business but you’ll also become even more of a magnet and more of a thought leader when you share that type of content. Plus, it shows the person with whom you’re trying to start a conversation that you really are concerned about them and that you want them to succeed as well. — Bob Woods

* A great way to engage your connections on LinkedIn is to look over the comments made on your posts. When you find one that is especially insightful, ask that connection if you may quote them. You can ask for a follow-up conversation to delve deeper into the topic and get further insights from them. This will help you better understand your prospect and their needs.

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