Episode 172: 7 Ways to Use ChatGPT with LinkedIn
OpenAI’s ChatGPT has created many opportunities for business owners and other professionals to free up their time from doing extensive research to writing content for practically everything they can think of. But do you really know how to maximize ChatGPT’s potential for being a powerful tool for LinkedIn and social selling? Did you know there are 7 ways (currently) that you can use ChatGPT for social selling? In this episode, Brynne and Bob share their discoveries when exploring this cool new toy, from what input to feed to ChatGPT to the do’s and don’t; they’re sharing it all.
Another important takeaway from this conversation that you need to listen to closely is how to maintain your authenticity and true voice while using ChatGPT to build relationships on LinkedIn. ChatGPT sounds like a dream come true for many professionals. Still, it can take you in the opposite direction of success when your authenticity is lost because you let AI speak for you. Listen in or read the transcript below and learn how to use ChatGPT responsibly on LinkedIn.
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Bob Woods 00:00
Hey everyone, and welcome to Making Sales Social Live! Brought to you by Social Sales Link. I’m Bob Woods, the LinkedIn Sherpa and I am joined by Brynne Tillman, fellow LinkedIn and social selling professional and maybe professor I don’t know, also known as the LinkedIn whisperer. How are you doing there, Brynne?
Brynne Tillman 00:19
I’m good. I’ll take professor I love that title.
Bob Woods 00:22
Yeah, that’s great. Let’s do it then.
Intro: 00:29
Welcome to Making Sales Social Live! As we share LinkedIn, and social selling training strategies and tips that will have an immediate impact on your business. Join Brynne Tillman, and me Bob Woods every week, Making Sales Social Live!
Bob Woods 00:46
So today, we’re going to be talking about one of the more hotter things going on right now when it comes to social and what we do and things like that. ChatGPT, it is all the rage right now. In fact, it’s so much of the rage that South Park’s most recent episode is on chatGPT. And quite honestly, if you watch it, there are some things that they talk about that are going to resonate with you after you watch this. If you’re not a South Park fan, I get it but if you are and you like it, there’s actually some really good stuff in there about chatGBT.
Brynne Tillman 01:23
It’s viral.
Bob Woods 01:24
Yeah, yeah exactly! South Park definitely has its finger on the pulse of what people are talking about. So speaking of developing content with the help of AI, sounds like a dream come true but as with anything in life, with great power comes great responsibility. The responsibility here, in our opinion, is to not use it, let’s just say in a brainless type of way, even though you have access to this powerful tool, you still need to be genuine and authentic in anything you do on LinkedIn, and with social selling with it, right Brynne?
Brynne Tillman 02:01
Absolutely! Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. So we’re gonna talk a lot about that authentic piece, Bob, that is so important to us to make sure that whatever you’re using it, it’s your voice that gets publicly published.
Bob Woods 02:21
Absolutely, absolutely. So Brynne’s been playing with chantGPT for a while now, and I’ve just begun exploring how to use it specifically for social selling and on LinkedIn, we now have seven ways to utilize it in that authentic and genuine way. So the first area that we’re going to talk about is social listening, and learning, which I think is huge, and probably not something that a lot of people necessarily think about when it comes to AI and chatGPT, Brynne.
Brynne Tillman 02:53
So I’m gonna give a few examples of kinda rapid fire, we could go deeper and another time, but we have a lot to go through but here are a few examples. One of the things that you can do if you are a DISC person, if you understand the DISC profile, dominant, influential safety, I know them by birds because of flight, but the DISC profile, right. So if you put in DISC profile, and paste the LinkedIn URL of someone, it will analyze their profile and give you an overview of what matters to them, and what kind of profile they are.
Number two, to use this from a social listening perspective. If you want to identify and I thought that Stan Robinson and I were playing with this earlier, if you want to identify what roles purchase CRM software, or are part of the purchasing decision of CRM software, it’s going to give you a list of rules. Like that’s amazing, right. The next thing that we asked it were regulatory risks for employees. In this case, we said using chatGPT but it could be anything right? And we had risks and answers. And it gave us –here’s the risk, here’s how to overcome it, here’s the risk, how to overcome it.
That last I’m gonna say this is more sales and I could go on and on. Because I’m obsessed. This is my new “Hobby hobby.” The last one away. Now I don’t remember my last one was going to be Oh, um, this is a little more in depth. And I’m not going to go through it step by step but I am going to tomorrow during our members only coaching. You can create a list of let’s say 25 sales leadership quotes, and it’ll have Jeffrey Gitomer, Mark Hunter all like famous people. Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, right. So you get 25 quotes, you copy them, you paste them into a CSV file, upload it to Canva. And it will automatically create 25 branded quotes for you. So yeah, so that’s not actually listening. I went a little crazy.
Bob Woods 05:20
That’s fine, because you can go crazy with us.
Brynne Tillman 05:23
That was the other one Stan and I did. We put in 10 common objections buyers have when buying CRM software, and it gave us the objections and the answers. It’s unbelievable, really crazy. Okay, lesson number two.
Bob Woods 05:41
Number two is text for curated content. And this I imagine is probably where a lot of people are going to use it because I’ve been writing for decades and decades and decades now. And yet, sometimes when I sit down, and I know what I want to say, and I’m staring at that blank Word document, I don’t know where to start. And I think that this is where chatGPT can really come in and help things and help people out.
Brynne Tillman 06:10
So is this one about comments or?
Bob Woods 06:14
is text for curated content. Okay, great.
Brynne Tillman 06:17
Same thing, like we did with the URL, go into chat, grab the link to the curated piece of content that you want to share. If you’re curating a podcast or a video, it’s got to have show notes or something to pull from, it won’t pull directly from, it won’t pull directly from the video itself, it needs text. So you grab the link, you put it in chatGPT and you say “three sentence recap” and it will recap everything, and then you need to go read it, everything before you use it, read it and put it in your words, right. And the same with all the tips that we gave before. I mean, a lot of them, even the discovery questions, you need to use it as a guide and make it yours so that you own it and it feels right. When you say it sounds right.
Bob Woods 07:07
And that’s probably one of the biggest things out there right now because I think now people are going to start wondering, is this the actual person? Or is this ChatGPT. So you really have to make sure that when you get anything that we’re talking about, like Brynne said from ChatGPT, that you make sure that it’s in your voice and the easiest way to do that is to take the chatGBT output and read it out loud. If it kind of does sound like it comes from you, then fine, great, use it most of the time, it ain’t going to sound like you. So what you need to do is say it out loud, kind of hear why it doesn’t sound like you address that and then rewrite it and then read it out loud. Again, if it sounds like you at that point, then go ahead and use it because it’s ready.
Brynne Tillman 07:53
I love that. I think that’s awesome. The other thing you might be able to do, and I haven’t done this, so this is all coming out, is put in using these five words. So recap. You link, use these five words that are your words that you use all the time. I bet you it’ll do it. And that’ll help get it closer to your voice. (Bob: Right, right. Yeah, absolutely) have a LinkedIn user that saying and if you are a LinkedIn user, if you could type your name and chat, that would be great. So we know who you are. Try ChatGPT is not connected to the internet. Oh, it is, so you might be having some kind of error. And it will provide an outline of a current landing page. You know, check out our next group coaching public group coaching at socialsaleslink.com/events bring your questions there. Once a month, we have an open house for everybody. It is actually connected and for you might be having an error that we can help you through.
Bob Woods 08:49
Very good, very good. So the next thing that we’re going to talk about is comments. And these are comments on I’m assuming that you make on other people’s posts, correct? (Brynne: I think so) So yeah, and this is one thing that I have actually used, and it does work very well. So I don’t remember what it was for but I basically typed in, you know, write out or create a comment, reply to the following and then I actually just copied the entire text of the comment, put it into chatGPT and let it do its thing, and it came out with with a pretty good reply but again, it did not sound like me. So I had to make sure that I rewrote it to sound like me, but the points that were pulled out and everything were actually really, really good. So you know, it’s not necessarily ready for primetime. Once it immediately gets spit out a chatGPT but man, it’s a fantastic start for you to really trail and really get, definitely.
Brynne Tillman 09:54
So I love that I can add to that because I think that’s brilliant so recapping grabbing the text from the post itself, pasting into GPT. You can say recap in two sentences, because what happened might be a huge recap but if you do recap in one sentence, or top priority from this post, so play with it, they’re doing a little work perfectly but what you’re doing is right there. So I absolutely love that. And sadly, it hasn’t provide results since 2021. That may be the problem, chatGPT was only trained on data through 2020. That is a good point, Stan, I don’t want to completely assume but I would think at this point, they’re working on 22 and 23 and keeping it updated but right now it is old data.
Bob Woods 10:50
Right? Yeah, so that’s, so that’s probably the only thing that you need to keep in mind, just when it comes to using chatGPT in general, actually, two things. One possibility of plagiarism unintentionally is there, it may pull something that somebody else used and so you gotta kind of watch out for that. And then the other thing, again, is the old data part, you’re not going to be getting the absolute most recent data. So even though it may bring up something, and you may be able to see if there’s updated, but keep that in mind
Brynne Tillman 11:23
Yeah, use Google, like check it out. Check it. I love that idea. What’s your next one? Bob?
Bob Woods 11:31
Number four is polls as in LinkedIn polls.
Brynne Tillman 11:34
So I’ve actually done this. I’ve actually asked chatGPT it’s a question with four answers –Under is it 40 characters now I can’t even remember how many characters it is, and an answer. 30,30 30,30. So I did. I said something I don’t remember. Exactly. So I’m gonna just but um, “number one sales challenge account managers face or — “Four sales challenges account managers face in 30 characters for each answer.” And it did it. It created four challenges, all the third within 30 characters and actually, you really need to do three because four should always be other sharing comments, but it works. So if you are thinking about a poll, and you want to do challenges, risks, priorities, right, all of those words, it’s gonna give you answers. It’s very cool.
Bob Woods 12:34
Yeah, a lot of people shy away from polls, because they just can’t think of… number five ebook, contents, which is huge, which is huge, huge, huge, huge.
Brynne Tillman 12:48
Yeah and this is like, we do a ton of ebooks, we’ve been self generating them for how many years? Bob? I don’t even know. Very long time, we’ve been doing our own ebooks. And I recognize, you know, there’s a point where, like, I’m out of ideas. You know, as Bob said, you get kind of this, you hit a plateau, and you’re like, “Oh, my God, I’ve done everything I could think of” if you put in, like maybe just a question, like 10, social selling priorities sales leaders need to make for their teams, and it gives you them. And now if you want 10 to 25, because most of them won’t be right, and then pick, pick your 10 or whatever that might be. And then if it resonates, then I make it my own but I’m really excited about the potential. Bob, how much time do you think it takes just for the content from a typical ebook when we actually write them? A couple hours?
Bob Woods 13:52
A couple hours? I would say yeah, it depends on how restrained we’re feeling because both of us could write tons and tons and tons of stuff about it.
Brynne Tillman 14:01
Yeah, yeah. Right. Was it Ben Franklin, who wrote the letter? I would have written you a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time. It’s like one of my favorites. So yeah, so that’s fun. So yeah, it is hard the brevity piece but maybe two hours on average between Bob and myself, and then maybe an hour for our graphics guy. Now. It’s 15 minutes instead of two hours for us.
Bob Woods 14:30
Right? Because again, yeah, we still have to make sure that it sounds like us and that everything is actually correct in there, you know, and go through those steps. So you know, again, don’t just pull and just post no matter what it is you’re doing. Don’t just call them post read. Read and reread it.
Brynne Tillman 14:49
Love it. Okay, where are we?
Bob Woods 14:52
We’re at number six articles, which actually is kind of similar to ebook content, except you’re only talking about one particular, one particular thing that you need write about and when what two to 500 words, whatever the new magic number for articles is nowadays.
Brynne Tillman 15:10
And you tell it how many words you want? (Bob: Yes, I know it’s so cool.) Right? So Bob, what’s the topic you might write on?
Bob Woods 15:21
Five ways that salespeople are using LinkedIn incorrectly.
Brynne Tillman 15:26
Okay, so you put that in “Five ways, sales professionals are using LinkedIn incorrectly. 500 words.” And it will literally give you as close to 500 words, as you can imagine, that’s all you have to do. I mean, it’s crazy. Read it, personalize it. But guys, it has never been easier to show up as a thought leader.
Bob Woods 15:54
So the last one, which I think is really good for people who aren’t really, you know, marketers full time and yet who need to do this for their business? Number seven is newsletters.
Brynne Tillman 16:07
Yeah, I mean, and this is interesting to me. And now, as I’m thinking about this, because we’re stuck in that 2021. For newsletters, we might have to use it differently than I was originally thinking, again, this is like, I’m a flying noob but let’s say in your newsletter, you want to highlight five podcasts in your industry, you can easily recap those podcasts and have this you know, it’s your thoughts around that podcast do you mean is when you’re doing a newsletter, you want to have different sections. So maybe you have an influencer of the week, and you grab their LinkedIn URL and recap who they are.
I mean, there’s just so many different places you can talk about. So I wanted to do this for trending topics but if it’s 2021, it’s not trending topics. Oh, here’s what you do. Go to Google, find the trending topics that you want to add to your newsletter, and then use chatGPT for your write up of each of those, that type of data. Use the word prompt engineering as the craft of asking AI for information I have not. I will give that a try. I will tell you the most interesting thing I’m seeing outside of social selling is programming. Like programmers that are stuck or having an error. They stick it in their JAVA script or their Python code into chatGPT, and it fixes it. It’s insane.
So J prompt engineering is a concept in AI, particularly natural language NLP, which actually my, one of my older sons went to school for in prompt engineering, the description of the task is embedded in the input as a question instead of being implicitly given. Oh, I like that. I would never have thought of prompt engineering but that’s great. Copy that from Wikipedia. Okay, well, that’s good. I gave money to Wikipedia. They’ve been asking for so you know what? I use you, I gave them 25 bucks. Anyway, moving on.
Bob Woods 18:27
Moving on. Yeah. So yeah. So this, you know, in summary, everybody is still just scratching the surface. I think when it comes to chatGBT, where we’re going to figure out a whole heck of a lot more uses for it. I would just personally say, as long as you are still, you’re you’re being genuine, you’re being transparent and you know, you’re putting things in your voice and making sure that the data is not all that there’s data in it and making sure that you’re not unintentionally plagiarizing someone, it can be a fantastic tool to really help you trim so much time out of some of these social selling tasks that you need to do and so that you can actually, you know, imagine do more selling.
Brynne Tillman 19:16
So I’m going to invite everyone to go to socialsaleslink.com/events, scroll to the bottom and you’ll see our next open house coaching and come on in and ask your chatGPT questions because we’re excited to answer that.
Bob Woods 19:32
Yep, socialsaleslink.com/events is where you want to go. So thanks again for joining us on Making Sales Social Live! That’s a sentence that I wrote myself. It was not generated by ChatGPT. If you’re with us live on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else right now, we do this every week. So keep an eye out for our live sessions. If you’re listening to us on our podcast and you haven’t subscribed already, subscribe or follow us. We’d appreciate it. If you’d like more info on our podcast, it’s socialsaleslink.com/podcast Again, socialsaleslink.com/podcast we do two shows weekly, this one and our Making Sales Social interview series, where we talk with leaders and experts in sales, marketing, business and many more areas.
So when you are out and about, be sure to make your sales social. Thanks everybody.
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