
On LinkedIn, It’s NOT About You – If You’re in Sales
Bob Woods |
For many people, LinkedIn is a way for them to promote themselves as they look to bolster their careers or look for new jobs… especially nowadays. And for that group, LinkedIn can work very well. As a salesperson, though, you’re not looking to bolster yourself in that career mindset. While a goal of yours should […]
Use Symbols to Spice Up Your LinkedIn Profile
Brynne Tillman |
Use Symbols to Spice Up Your LinkedIn Profile Throughout my LinkedIn training career, I have worked on thousands of profile makeovers. I am always working toward ensuring that my client’s branding message is coming across, that the first impression the viewer sees is the right one, and that the experience was exactly what would engage […]
The Referral Hack to Your Top 20 List on LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
If you are in a business development role, chances are you have a top 20, 50, or even 100 list of target accounts. If you have been in business awhile, you know the best way to get into a company is through a referral.
The Follow – A Softer Way of Starting Sales Conversations on LinkedIn
Bob Woods |
Connect. Connect. Connect. It’s a mantra we all feel like we should be following to successfully conduct business on LinkedIn. Yet it can be very uncomfortable for people to reach out to others on the platform–especially people we don’t know. There is a way around connecting, though, that’s both softer and effective. It involves a […]
What to Say On LinkedIn to Start Conversations with Your Connections
Brynne Tillman |
I recently accepted 64 outstanding connections on LinkedIn. Within minutes I had 18 incoming pitches. Eighteen!  Remote working has people desperate for sales, but, in the words of our friend Larry Levine, your buyer can smell “commission breath” — even virtually!   For many folks, things are tough right now. We get it. But this “cold […]
LinkedIn Year in Review – 2020
Bob Woods |
The year 2020 is almost in our collective rear-view mirrors. It’s been a… different… year, that’s for sure. LinkedIn usage, though, has spiked throughout our COVID-19 year, and with good reason. After all, with seemingly everything moving online it makes sense for sales professionals looking to start sales conversations to move there too. LinkedIn is […]