Optimize LinkedIn for Sales Pre-Call Planning
April 4, 2019
Your buyers are researching solutions. They spend hours Googling and searching the web prior to any conversation they have with you, and they expect that you are doing the same due diligence on them. The questions I hear most often are “What and Where do I find information that can help me on my sales calls?” Here’s how […]
Name Dropping Your Client on LinkedIn… the Right Way
March 27, 2019
Name dropping? That can be dangerous – but not if you do it the right way! I talk a lot about utilizing LinkedIn to identify who you know that knows who you want to know and position yourself to get introduced. There is nothing more powerful than an introduction from a happy client. And, LinkedIn […]
5 Myths of Social Selling
March 20, 2019
Do you know what social selling is? It’s a moving target, I’m afraid. In our current technology-rich world, many times new technology — and the ways we use that technology — out-pace definitions as well as standardized uses of said technology. One modern-day example is text messaging. My guess is you, like many people, send […]
Social Selling in the New Age of the Channel
March 14, 2019
After reading the insightful article written by Jay McBain in the Channel Executive Magazine, it appears that the traditional “partner-centric ecosystem” sales model is becoming outdated. Today, “there is no account ownership.” Instead, there are “account partnerships.” This means it is imperative that vendors and their channel partners work together as a team, with other […]
5 Ways to Stay on Your Targeted 1st-Degree Connections’ Radar
February 21, 2019
Just connecting with the right people on LinkedIn isn’t enough to create meaningful sales conversation. Nurturing your network is foundational to successful social selling, but getting the right balance of outreach (so you don’t seem spammy) is essential. The first thing is to identify who in your 1st-degree connections do you want to engage. From […]