
Making Sales Social Live Episode # 31 – Your LinkedIn Elevator Pitch
The Social Sales Link Team |
The LinkedIn Whisperer Brynne Tillman and the LinkedIn Sherpa Bob Woods talk about the advantage of setting up a LinkedIn "elevator pitch" for prospects that visit your profile to get a better sense of who you are and whether you are worthy of their time.
Meet Our “Influencer of the Week,” Wayne Morris!
The Social Sales Link Team |
Meet Wayne Morris, our "Influencer of the Week." Get to know more about Wayne and his shared insights on this blog.
Making Sales Social Live Episode # 30 – Leverage Content to Start Sales Conversations on LinkedIn
The Social Sales Link Team |
In this episode of Making Sales Social Live, the Social Sales Link team talked about "Leverage Content to Start Sales Conversations on LinkedIn." Read on to learn more.
Meet Our “Influencer of the Week,” Nikki Rausch!
The Social Sales Link Team |
Meet Nikki Rausch, our "Influencer of the Week." Get to know more about Nikki and her shared insights on this blog.
Making Sales Social Live Episode # 29 – Digital Sales Automation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Social Sales Link Team |
In this episode of Making Sales Social Live, the Social Sales Link team talked about "Digital Sales Automation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Read on to learn more.
Meet Our “Influencer of the Week,” Hilary Young!
The Social Sales Link Team |
Meet Hilary Young, our "Influencer of the Week." Get to know more about Hilary and her shared insights on this blog.