
Social Selling in the New Age of the Channel
SallyJoLaMont |
After reading the insightful article written by Jay McBain in the Channel Executive Magazine, it appears that the traditional “partner-centric ecosystem” sales model is becoming outdated. Today, “there is no account ownership.” Instead, there are “account partnerships.” This means it is imperative that vendors and their channel partners work together as a team, with other […]
Trade Show & Convention Success with LinkedIn
Bill Mccormick |
5 Ways to Stay on Your Targeted 1st-Degree Connections’ Radar
Brynne Tillman |
Just connecting with the right people on LinkedIn isn’t enough to create meaningful sales conversation. Nurturing your network is foundational to successful social selling, but getting the right balance of outreach (so you don’t seem spammy) is essential. The first thing is to identify who in your 1st-degree connections do you want to engage. From […]
The Four Acts of LinkedIn
Bill Mccormick |
When I talk to most people about LinkedIn, I get a pretty consistent response.  Everyone gives some version of, “I have a profile, but I don’t use it much” or “Why should I be on LinkedIn, I’ve got a job” or “I have no idea how to use it”. There’s a very old saying that […]
LinkedIn for Real Estate Agents? Absolutely!
Bill Mccormick |
In all of the articles I’ve read about using social media in the real estate business – be it residential or commercial – one network that’s not really discussed a lot is LinkedIn. It should be. In fact, it should be a big part of a real estate agent’s or broker’s client acquisition efforts. This […]
Mobilize Your Networking with LinkedIn
Bill Mccormick |
If you’re like me and you attend a decent number of networking events, you probably make sure you load yourself up with your business cards. You likely take your mobile phone or device with you as well. Did you know that your phone can be as valuable, if not more so, than that stack of […]