On LinkedIn, It’s NOT About You – If You’re in Sales

For many people, LinkedIn is a way for them to promote themselves as they look to bolster their careers or look for new jobs… especially nowadays. And for that group, LinkedIn can work very well. As a salesperson, though, you’re not looking to bolster yourself in that...

The Referral Hack to Your Top 20 List on LinkedIn

If you are in a business development role, chances are you have a top 20, 50, or even 100 list of target accounts. If you have been in business awhile, you know the best way to get into a company is through a referral. They are rarely easy to come by, though… unless...

The Five Things We Want From Every Client

Our clients are the lifeblood of our business. If you are like most professionals responsible for sales, we all thrive on client referrals. But that isn’t the only thing we want to get from our clients. The Social Sales Link team has identified the five things we want...

Book Yourself on a Podcast by Leveraging LinkedIn

Do you want to be seen as the subject matter expert in your niche? Are you looking to expand your network of targeted followers? Are you aching to share your thought leadership with a wider audience? Or do you simply want to have smart conversations with awesome...

What and When to Share on LinkedIn

As LinkedIn strategists, we’re often — very often — asked: When is the best time to post to LinkedIn? While this is a legitimate question, there’s a bigger idea that many people miss: It’s the “what to share” angle that’s more important than the time at...