
7 Ways to Show Your LinkedIn Connections Gratitude on Thanksgiving
Brynne Tillman |
While it is very important to nurture relationships throughout the whole year, Thanksgiving reminds us to reach out and share our gratitude. We have put together 7 things that you can do today to let your network know how much they mean to you. 1. Endorse your connections on LinkedIn – Be sure to choose skills that […]
Measure Your ROI from Your LinkedIn Efforts
Bob Woods |
To many salespeople, sales managers, etc., measuring the return on investment (ROI) from LinkedIn is like measuring the actual number of snowflakes that hit the ground during a snowstorm: impossible to do, so why even try? Very, very few things are truly immeasurable, though… you just have to know what to look for and how […]
The Five Things We Want From Every Client
Brynne Tillman |
Our clients are the lifeblood of our business. If you are like most professionals responsible for sales, we all thrive on client referrals. But that isn’t the only thing we want to get from our clients. The Social Sales Link team has identified the five things we want from our clients. More Business In almost […]
What’s Your LinkedIn Connection “Persona?”
Bill Mccormick |
LinkedIn has been reporting usage and engagement increases since the start of the COVID-19 crisis.  With more and more people moving their networking, prospecting, and business development to online platforms, LinkedIn is the smart choice. As someone who is using the platform every day, I can attest to increased usage and engagement, for better or […]
Add Your Voice (and Message) to Your LinkedIn Profile
Bob Woods |
You might have wondered lately why a “speaker” icon appears to the right of some people’s names in their LinkedIn profile. If you’ve been curious enough, you may have even clicked on the icon. After clicking, you probably heard the pronunciation of the person’s name in their voice. Welcome to LinkedIn’s new Record and Display […]
Book Yourself on a Podcast by Leveraging LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
Do you want to be seen as the subject matter expert in your niche? Are you looking to expand your network of targeted followers? Are you aching to share your thought leadership with a wider audience? Or do you simply want to have smart conversations with awesome podcasters in your space? Guess what? LinkedIn is […]