
#SocialSales Chat Storify – Selling vs. Pitching
Brynne Tillman |
[View the story “#SocialSales Inaugural Chat” on Storify]
Yes, You Can Sell on LinkedIn; It is, After All, Called Social Selling
Brynne Tillman |
Let’s clear up some mixed messages that are seeping through the walls of social. Here is what I am hearing: “If you publish great content, you will build a following” (If no one knows you have great content, no one will follow you) read:LinkedIn Myth: If you Build it They Will Come. “Be patient, it is a […]
How & Why You Should Sync Your Calendar with LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
  How & Why You Should Sync Your Calendar with LinkedIn I love the sync your calendar feature on LinkedIn. Every time you have a meeting on your calendar with someone you are not yet connected with yet, LinkedIn will send you a message to remind you to connect. This can help you prepare for […]
Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Custom Invites via the LinkedIn Mobile App
Brynne Tillman |
You can access your connections, inbox, edit your profile, and more using LinkedIn’s mobile app. You can even customize your connection invitations from your SMART phone. In addition, in this connection request you can add hyperlinks to blog posts, email addresses and so much more, unlike the typical desktop connection request. Like the Backdoor to […]
Interview Blogs on LinkedIn; Kill 2 Birds with One Stone
Brynne Tillman |
Interview Blogs on LinkedIn; Kill 2 Birds with One Stone We need content to position ourselves as thought leaders and subject matter experts and we need to have more conversations with prospects. So, why not get both done with one activity… Interview Blogs. Two Birds = Conversations with Prospects + Content You are actually going […]
Social Currency, What’s Your Account Worth?
Brynne Tillman |
It’s not about what you know or who you know, it’s about who knows you. – Marc Felgoise and Ian Michel from Intersect Advisers. This is one of the most powerful statements I have heard in a long time and it made me think about how it aligns perfectly with social selling. It doesn’t matter […]