
Navigating LinkedIn’s New Inbox: The Good and The Bad
Brynne Tillman |
  It seems like most everyone (at least in the US) has the new LinkedIn Messaging Inbox. I was just converted to it on Friday, and although I was prepared to be disappointed based on the feedback I have been reading, I was pleasantly surprised. It just takes a little getting used to. There is […]
4 Ways to Get Paid By Your Clients by Leveraging LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
Obviously cash is king, so the number one way we get paid from our clients is the purchase of our products and services, however there are 4 additional ways we get paid from our clients that can be just as valuable in the long run. Our clients have valuable networks, and the ability to tap […]
5 Steps To Developing Great Content on LinkedIn That Directly Impacts Your Sales Efforts
Brynne Tillman |
  Whether you consider yourself a good writer or not, chances are you are a good resource to your network, you have educational tips that can help your audience and brings real value. Often, the biggest challenge when writing content is identifying and articulating insights in away that gets the attention of your prospects and truly […]
3 Ways to Build a Targeted List of Prospects Already Part of Your LinkedIn Network
Brynne Tillman |
  In talking with sales professionals, I often hear a few methodologies around building a prospecting list; some have named accounts (50+ accounts assigned to them that is their sole business development focus), some have territories or industry niches, and many others claim to have the world as their market. No matter what your company’s […]
7 Activities Successful Social Sellers Do Every Week on LinkedIn
Brynne Tillman |
    Successful is a relative term. My definition of success for a social seller on LinkedIn is that the activity they do converts to phone calls with qualified prospective clients.  There are hundreds of activities that sales people do every day that lead to success and even more if they are leveraging social to grow their […]
5 Things I Dare You Not to Do on LinkedIn this Week!
Brynne Tillman |
    We all develop bad habits on social, and often they can cost us business even if we don’t realize it. Whether it is getting lost in the weeds or not paying enough attention to the right activities, there is always something we can do to be more efficient and effective. I have identified […]