
How Social Media Can Increase Your Open House Attendance
Brynne Tillman |
by Paul Kowit | Follow Paul on Twitter In real estate, Open Houses are a great way to stimulate business and find more prospects. Some other methods may include cold calling, knocking on doors, contacting your center of influence, or sending snail mail to various neighborhoods. However, one of the most effective ways to increase your business […]
3 Ways to Prospect from Your Client’s LinkedIn Profile
Brynne Tillman |
Often when I talk with clients about their ideal prospects, 2 or 3 clients immediately come to mind. Beginning with these clients is a great way to develop and identify more companies and people like them in your target market. In fact, LinkedIn makes this so easy by offering these 3 powerful yet underutilized tools […]
10 Steps to Writing Powerful Blog Posts
Brynne Tillman |
Blogs have never been more important in marketing and sales as they are today. It is critical that we brand ourselves as though leaders and subject matter experts, and there is no better way to do that than through sharing your ideas, tips, education and strategies in quick easy to implement steps. Here are 10 […]
Are You Engaging Your New LinkedIn Connections?
Brynne Tillman |
Let’s face it, we are all guilty…connect and forget. That’s right, we accept a connection or ask for a connection and when they connect with us, we do nothing more. We work so hard to get conversations every day that lead to business, yet we tend to ignore the lowest hanging fruit. I put my […]
Do I really need to brand my social media pages?
Brynne Tillman |
Remember when the VCR first came out and everyone had twelve o’clock flashing on the screen because they couldn’t figure out how to reset the clock after a power outage? Today’s equivalent is the egghead on Twitter or the blank banner on Facebook. These social media outlets and others such as Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn […]
10 Ways You Can Use Social Media to Level the Playing Field!
Brynne Tillman |
It used to be that only the big corporations with fat budgets had the corner on mass marketing campaigns. Whether they were buying billboards, radio time or even PR in magazines and TV spots. Boy have times changed. Although it does take some time and resources to get the message out, it doesn’t take big […]