3 Social Media Tips to Help For Sale By Owners

For Sale by Owner can be a lot of work. Although you may be saving money initially, time on market and no one to help you negotiate a price can ultimately cost you money. If you want to do it right, you need to implement clever marketing tools. Here are 3 social media...

Are You Fishing with the Right Lures?

This is certainly not the first time you have seen the comparison of prospecting to fishing, but I thought I would share my little twist. When I was a teenager, I went fishing with a boy from the neighborhood. He was a serious fisherman and had a big red tackle box...

6 Tips For Summer Networking Success.

by Thomas Camarda “Summertime, and the living is easy,” and so is creating new contacts and connections. During the summer months, business networking events seem to cool down, but outdoor social events definitely heat up and everyone loves to have a...

Are You Engaging Your New LinkedIn Connections?

Let’s face it, we are all guilty…connect and forget. That’s right, we accept a connection or ask for a connection and when they connect with us, we do nothing more. We work so hard to get conversations every day that lead to business, yet we tend to...

Do I really need to brand my social media pages?

Remember when the VCR first came out and everyone had twelve o’clock flashing on the screen because they couldn’t figure out how to reset the clock after a power outage? Today’s equivalent is the egghead on Twitter or the blank banner on Facebook. These social media...