LinkedIn Polls: A Great Way to Engage Group Members

LinkedIn Polls: A Great Way to Engage Group Members Polls are a wonderful way to engage group members on LinkedIn. Just be sure that your poll is not self serving or promotional. Ask questions that your target market would like to answer verses questions around what...

How to Fix Your LinkedIn Duplicate Accounts!

How to Fix Your LinkedIn Duplicate Accounts!You may discover you have more than one LinkedIn account. If you get a message that says the email address you’re attempting to use is already associated with another account, this means that you probably have another...

5 Thanksgiving Gifts for Your LinkedIn Connections

5 Thanksgiving Gifts for Your LinkedIn Connections Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It is celebrated by all American’s and is really about telling our family and friends how grateful we are to have them in our lives in a way that no other...

5 Reasons to Embrace Social Selling

5 Reasons to Embrace Social Selling First, what is social selling? I went to Wikipedia today to get a definition to share with you, and guess what? It isn’t even there yet. So maybe in my free time I will add it…unless you beat me to it. So, we are on the...